Mapping for Environmental Justice creates easy-to-use, publicly available maps that paint a holistic picture of intersecting environmental, social, and health impacts experienced by communities across the US.
MEJ’s maps display the environmental, public health, and socioeconomic disparities communities experience, enabling advocates and policymakers to identify disproportionately impacted areas. This cumulative impacts approach combines this data into a single indicator of cumulative environmental justice impact.
Factory Farms in New Mexico
No government agency has comprehensive information on the locations of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs, or factory farms) in the United States. Our study used machine learning techniques to develop the first map of CAFOs in New Mexico. Read our report here.
MEJ’s Latest Map: Virginia
We work in partnership with community advocates to ensure our maps are accurate and suited to local needs. You can see our newest map of Virginia, below, which we developed in coordination with the Virginia Environmental Justice Collaborative. Our previous map of Colorado is available here.
With special thanks to:
- Queen Shabazz, Virginia Environmental Justice Collaborative
- Monica Esparza, Renewal of Life Trust
- Mary Finley, University of Richmond
- Garry Harris, Center for Sustainable Communities
- Chelsea Barnes, Appalachian Voices
We are proud to be a project of the Earth Island Institute.