what is MEJ?
Mapping for Environmental Justice (MEJ) is a team of policy, data science, and community outreach experts aiming to increase the power of communities in ending environmental injustices.
With guidance from the residents of impacted communities, MEJ combines environmental, public health, and demographic data into a ranking of environmental justice impact for every part of a state. This information is presented in an easy-to-understand map that can be used by anyone. MEJ provides technical assistance (e.g. research, analysis, model policies) to local partners who wish to integrate data- and community-driven environmental justice data into decision-making.
The maps make environmental justice data accessible, understandable, and most importantly, actionable.
MEJ follows in the footsteps of Washington’s Environmental Health Disparities Map and California’s CalEnviroScreen. While MEJ’s maps are based on these previous states’ examples, they differ and expand on these maps using community feedback.