Socioeconomic Factors | The combined rank for the following six Socioeconomic Factors indicators. This is calculated by averaging each indicator’s percentile rank, then calculating the percentile rank of this average. | |
Poverty | The proportion of households with an income below double the Federal poverty line: $52,400 for a family of four. These households have higher stress, less access to healthcare, and are often much more affected by pollution. | 2014-2018 American Communities Survey |
People of Color | The proportion of adults who identify as anything aside from “white only” on the census. People of color are drastically more affected by and exposed to pollution, have higher levels of stress, and are often systematically excluded from healthy housing, quality healthcare, and access to wealth. | 2014-2018 American Communities Survey |
Unemployment | The proportion of adults who are unemployed. Unemployed people face high levels of stress, which is closely linked to health outcomes. | 2014-2018 American Communities Survey |
No High School Degree (No HS Degree) | The proportion of the population that is over 25 years old without a high school degree. There are strong links between higher levels of education and resistance to environmental toxic exposure. | 2014-2018 American Communities Survey |
Extreme Housing Burden | The proportion of low-income households that have to spend more than half their income on rent. These households experience higher levels of stress, report lower health, and may delay medical treatment because of its high cost. | 2013-2017 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) data. (Most recent available) |
English Not Spoken Fluently | The percentage of households reporting that no-one over the age of 5 speaks English “very well.” These households tend to receive lower-quality medical care, and are often left out of decision-making by their local government. | 2014-2018 American Communities Survey |